Leadership Program

Managing Psychosocial Risks and Hazards

Building capability with psychosocial risk management

Managing Psychosocial Risks and Hazards
Five Star Rating

"Highly recommended to anyone looking for real and tangible impacts from a workshop."

Clare, Participant

For years many leaders have understood the need to create a physically safe place to work. However, few leaders understand the positive impacts that reducing psychosocial risks and hazards can have on the wellbeing, productivity and performance of their team.  

What is Psychosocial risk and why is managing it important?

The regulation of work health and safety has undergone recent changes, with regulators across Australia pushing to better address psychosocial hazards in the workplace. SafeWork Australia defines psychosocial hazard as “anything that could cause psychological harm (e.g. harm someone’s mental health).

Common psychosocial hazards at work include:

On top of this, worker compensation claims relating to psychological injuries at work are incredibly complex, costly for organisations, and are on the steady rise. That’s why, in 2022, SafeWork Australia developed a Code of Practice for Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work. This code provides practical guidance on how to achieve the standards required under the Work Health and Safety Act.  

Although, States and Territories have different legal requirements, it’s fair to say that all organisations should be promoting the reduction of risks and hazards that may cause harm to their people - physically and psychologically.

One practical way to do this is to equip your managers to understand what psychosocial risks and hazards are, the impacts on their people and organisation and the important part managers play in creating a safe place to work.  

You can reduces risks and hazards in your workplace today by booking Managing Psychosocial Risks and Hazards as a standalone session, or save today by packaging it with our Psychological Safety for Leaders and Leading Mentally Healthy Teams sessions.

In this highly interactive session, your team will leave with an understanding of:

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The positive implications of mitigating psychosocial risks and hazards in the workplace (the financial, moral and legislative obligations of employers)
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The key psychosocial risks and hazards in your workplace and how leaders can lead with these factors in mind (understanding the role they play)
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Practical actions they can take to reduce psychosocial risks and hazards for the team they lead

Program details

1 hour Masterclass or 2 hour workshop (in-person or virtual)
Delivery mode:
Online (Zoom) or in-person
Participation numbers:
Up to 25 people per workshop / 70+ per Masterclass

From $3990 + GST

* To discuss delivery options for your organisation, get in touch and one of our team members will design a solution for you.

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Help us get a better understanding of your needs and one of our consultants will be in touch to discuss your solutions

Resources and researchers

We’re passionate about scouring the globe for the latest and greatest research. Below is a sample of three researchers or theories that you’ll find in this session:
SafeWork Australia
SafeWork Australia
The national workplace safety regulator
Amy Edmonson
Amy Edmonson
A Harvard Business School Professor and founder of psychological safety
ISO Standard 45003
ISO Standard 45003
Occupational Health and Safety Management – Psychological Health and Safety at Work

Explore our whole suite of programs

Our Flagship Program

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Our flagship training program builds mental agility, resilience, and wellbeing across seven segments that form the acronym of ORANGES: Optimism, Resilience, Attitude (mindset), Now (mindfulness), Gratitude, Energy and Strengths. Delivered in highly interactive in-person or virtual workshops, the practical program is transformative for individuals and teams.

Our Leadership Programs

Our dynamic programs combine refreshing, science-informed insights with practical skills and tools that empower leaders to not only enhance their own wellbeing but also lead their teams more effectively. By focusing on personal growth and development, we enable leaders to inspire and guide their teams with greater confidence and impact.

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Psychological Safety for Leaders
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One of the hottest topics in organisations right now. This practical session will help your leaders build an inclusive, respectful and trusting culture. They will also learn the importance of a culture of accountability and having difficult conversations.

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Managing Psychosocial Risks and Hazards
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There’s never been a more important time to manage psychosocial risks and hazards in the workplace. Don’t be caught out and underprepared for the legislative changes in your state/territory. This highly practical session will provide leaders with the know-how to reduce key risks/hazards in your unique context.

Learn more here

Leading High Performing Teams
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Leading Mentally Healthy Teams
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Our Wellbeing Programs

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Navigating Change
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Restructuring, transforming, re-aligning? Then this is the session for you. Your team will learn the neuroscience of change, practical tools to guide them through uncertainty and complexity, and reflect on their personal response to change.

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Empathy Fatigue
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Reframing Stress
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Optimising Optimism
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Does your team seem to focus on what went wrong and what’s not working? Then Optimism is the session for you. Participants learn the neuroscience of optimism and practical tools to challenge their overly negative thinking habits.

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Renewing Resilience
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Not sure where to start? You can’t go wrong with this foundational session! Teams learn the skills to not only bounce back but bounce forward from the challenges they are facing – whether that be increased workloads, challenging stakeholders or organisational change.

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Amplifying Attitude
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This engaging session will leave your team with a greater understanding of their own attitudes and if those attitudes are serving them well. Covering both a growth mindset and our stress mindset, there’s a bit in there for everyone.

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Nailing the Now
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Now is all about being mindful! Are your team struggling to stay focused in their high-paced roles? Does stress sometimes get the better of them? Then this is the session for you. Teams learn the myth of multitasking and how breathing techniques can support the nervous system in busy periods.

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Generating Gratitude
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This uplifting session will leave your team feeling connected to themselves and each other. They will leave with an understanding of the powerful health and productivity benefits associated with practising gratitude.

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Enhancing Energy
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Supercharging Strengths
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Could your team do with greater collaboration and understanding of each other? This energising session will leave your team with greater self-awareness of their strengths and what lights them up. While learning to use their ‘superpowers’ wisely.

Learn more here

Program delivery that works for you


In person

  • Practical tools and actionable strategies
  • Energetic, engaging facilitatorsUp to 25 people per workshop - Ideal to pilot with leadership first
  • In-person face to face at any location or delivered in a virtual classroom via Zoom


  • Wide range of topics such as Burnout, Resilience, Motivation, and Leadership
  • Live delivery and tech support
  • Highly interactive - 60-90 minutes
  • Receive practical tools that can be applied immediately to boost staff wellbeing

On demand

  • Perfect for hybrid workforces
  • Step by step videos and activities
  • The unique ORANGES e-learning program
  • Choose the wellbeing topic of your choice or access the whole seven segment program

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