Leadership programs

Building awareness and action to promote positive wellbeing at work relies on leadership at all levels of an organisation

group of three women of various ages talking around a table looking at a document

Empowering Leaders to Excel in Business and Wellbeing

We all know that effective leadership is not just about managing tasks and teams; it's about fostering a culture of positive wellbeing, resilience, and mental agility. Our Leadership Programs are meticulously designed to empower leaders with the skills and tools necessary to thrive in today's dynamic business environment.

Our comprehensive programs, informed by the latest in neuroscience and positive psychology, focus on developing a leadership mindset grounded in our O.R.A.N.G.E.S framework – Optimism, Resilience, Attitude (mindset), Now (mindfulness), Gratitude, Energy, and Strengths. Each element is a crucial component in shaping a leader who is not only successful but also promotes a healthy and positive work culture.

Whether you are looking to increase performance, lead psychologically safe teams, or navigate through change effectively, our Leadership Programs offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing leadership skills while prioritising wellbeing.

Our Leadership Programs

Our dynamic programs combine refreshing, science-informed insights with practical skills and tools that empower leaders to not only enhance their own wellbeing but also lead their teams more effectively. By focusing on personal growth and development, we enable leaders to inspire and guide their teams with greater confidence and impact.

middle aged woman with glasses smiling at camera
Psychological Safety for Leaders
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In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environment, creating a psychologically safe space is essential for unleashing your team's full potential.

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Managing Psychosocial Risks and Hazards
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For years many leaders have understood the need to create a physically safe place to work. However, few leaders understand the positive impacts that reducing psychosocial risks and hazards can have on the wellbeing, productivity and performance of their team.

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Leading High Performing Teams
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Discover the secret to leading high-performing teams with our cutting-edge program, designed specifically for modern leaders who are ready to elevate their team's performance.

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Leading Mentally Healthy Teams
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When people feel mentally healthy, they're better equipped to perform well at work. Unfortunately, one in five Australian adults experience a mental illness in any given year, costing Australian workplaces a staggering $6.3 billion in absenteeism.  

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Leading Through Change
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Leading and motivating others during times of heightened emotions and uncertainty can be especially challenging.

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What is the key to workplace wellbeing and resilience?

The key to workplace wellbeing and resilience is to create a positive work culture that prioritises employee health and wellbeing. This includes promoting work-life balance, offering resources and tools to support employee wellbeing, fostering positive relationships among employees, and providing a safe and supportive environment. The Oranges Toolkit provides workplace wellbeing and leadership training programs to help companies strengthen their workforce and improve their teams' performance.

What are corporate wellbeing workshops?

Corporate wellbeing workshops are sessions designed to promote employee health and wellbeing in the workplace. These workshops can cover a variety of topics, such as stress and resilience training, mental health in the workplace, and workplace wellness programs. The Oranges Toolkit offers both in-person and online training programs that are scalable for any team.

How can workplace wellbeing programs benefit employees?

Workplace wellbeing programs can benefit employees by improving their physical, mental, and emotional health, reducing stress, increasing job satisfaction, and enhancing their work-life balance. The Oranges Toolkit offers employee resilience programs that help employees have the tools they need to succeed and maximise their productivity.

What makes a good corporate wellbeing program?

A good corporate wellbeing program should be tailored to the specific needs of the employees and the organisation, be science-backed, and sustainable. It should also be supported by the management and communicated effectively to the staff. The Oranges Toolkit provides workplace wellbeing programs designed to transform your work culture, beat workplace burnout, and effectively navigate change.

Are there online and in-person resilience training programs available?

Yes, The Oranges Toolkit offers both online and in-person resilience and wellbeing training programs to meet the needs of different organisations. These programs help enhance team resilience and elevate employee wellness. These programs are offered in person in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

What are the benefits of employee wellbeing?

The benefits of employee wellbeing include improved physical and mental health, reduced stress, increased job satisfaction, and enhanced work-life balance. Organisations also tend to see improvements in share holder return, and customer satisfaction. The Oranges Toolkit offers corporate resilience training to empower your workforce and nurture workplace happiness.

How can workplace wellbeing programs benefit employers?

Workplace wellbeing programs can benefit employers by reducing healthcare costs, decreasing absenteeism and staff turnover, and improving workplace productivity. These programs can also enhance team resilience, elevate employee satisfaction, and unlock team potential. The Oranges Toolkit offers workplace wellness on demand to help companies improve their teams' performance.

How can employee wellbeing be improved in the workplace?

Employee wellbeing in the workplace can be improved by offering resources and support to manage stress, promoting work-life balance, fostering positive relationships among employees, and creating a positive work environment amongst other initiatives. The Oranges Toolkit offers workplace wellbeing programs designed to enhance employee wellbeing, strengthen your workforce, and enhance workplace psychological safety.

What are some strategies for improving staff performance?

Strategies for improving staff performance include setting clear expectations and goals, providing regular feedback and recognition, offering opportunities for learning and development, promoting work-life balance, fostering positive relationships among employees, providing resources and support to manage stress, and creating a positive work environment. The Oranges Toolkit offers corporate leadership coaching and wellbeing workshops to help organisations lead with confidence and maximise their productivity.

What are some drawbacks to wellness programs?

If there is insufficient resources, support and planning, sometimes wellbeing programs can lack employee engagement and impact. However, with the right program design and implementation, these drawbacks can be minimised. The Oranges Toolkit offers workplace wellness programs designed to improve your teams' performance and beat workplace burnout and also offers collateral and support for engaging and onboarding your employees.

How can corporate leadership workshops help improve workplace wellbeing and resilience?

Corporate leadership workshops can help improve workplace wellbeing and resilience by providing managers and leaders with the skills and tools they need to support their employees' health and wellbeing. This can include promoting work-life balance, managing stress and leading mentally healthy teams.

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