Our Flagship Program

A program informed by science

oranges facilitator during a workshop

Build wellbeing in your organisation with the Oranges flagship program

The Oranges Toolkit’s powerful framework uniquely applies the latest academic research from renowned scientific fields, like positive psychology, emotional intelligence and neuroscience, across seven segments that form the acronym of ORANGES - Optimism, Resilience, Attitude (mindset), Now (mindfulness), Gratitude, Energy and Strengths.

The Seven Segments of Wellbeing program promotes overall psychological wellbeing, offering practical tips and tools that can be applied immediately.

Partner with us to deliver a program that builds employee wellbeing, psychological safety, and mental and emotional agility in your organisation. This transformative 2 day program is designed to energise participants and equip them with knowledge and practical tools that they can use each and every day.

A unique approach to workplace wellbeing workshops

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Experience our transformational, ORANGES Seven Segment program in-person or virtually.
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Target specific training outcomes in these engaging programs, accessible from anywhere.
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Nurture employee wellbeing and grow productivity with our practical tools.

The Seven Segments of Wellbeing




Opting into OPTIMISM

The feeling of being hopeful about the future or the success of a particular thing. Learn tools to create flexible, optimistic thinking habits which enable you to focus on positive outcomes, remain persistent, deal with unexpected change and stay motivated.

Learn how to develop positive beliefs and proactive strategies to combat pessimistic thinking with our skills and tools that draw on the pioneering work of Dr Martin Seligman, a leading figure in positive psychology, and others.

Objectives are aimed at providing participants with the tools to develop a growth mindset, be open to more possibilities through optimistic thinking habits and have the tools to deal with change and adversity that comes their way.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.





The capacity to withstand and adapt to challenges and changes. Develop the capacity to not just bounce back, but bounce forward from challenges and change, applying practical and simple tools to build emotional agility.

This work is based on the latest emotional intelligence and neuroscience research by Barbara Fredrickson, Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte.

Objectives include showcasing every day tools and strategies for your mind, body and environment that allow you to build your resilience and bounce back from adversity.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.




Amplifying ATTITUDE

A way of thinking or feeling that we bring to every situation. Learn the powerful impact that our attitudes and choices play on our wellbeing and relationships. Explore ways to become ‘better at stress’ and be more motivated by adopting a growth mindset.

This segment is based on research by Carol Dweck which clearly shows that our intelligence is malleable and that you can create a mindset which makes you more motivated, productive and happier.

Objectives from this segment are to support your understanding of how your attitude (positively/negatively) impacts you and others around you, along with the behavioural drivers that influence your attitude.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.




Nailing the NOW

Being able to focus your attention and be present without judgement. Learn the tools to be more focused and less distracted so you can put things into perspective, gain more emotional control, and feel more engaged in the moment.

Based on research from Shauna Shapiro and others, this workshop involves training ourselves to be more focused, have a greater attention span and be more mindful so we can put things into perspective, gain more emotional control and feel more engaged.

Build an understanding of the benefits and impact that curiosity, savouring and flow have within any situation to improve health, decision making and learning.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.




Generating GRATITUDE

The quality of being thankful; ready to show appreciation and to demonstrate kindness.

Learn the importance of building the superpower skill of gratitude to boost happiness, performance, and team connectivity. Gratitude is shown to be a powerful antidote to negative emotion and depression.

Objectives include gaining an understanding of the impact of gratitude and how gratitude is strongly linked to positivity and resilience whilst learning how to build gratitude within teams.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.




Enhancing ENERGY

The strength and vitality required for sustained mental or physical activity. Learn how our emotions impact our energy and explore practical ways to shift our mood through sleep, movement, nutrition and nurturing quality relationships.

Research shows the benefits of fun and laughter in reducing stress, improving heart health, muscle activity, digestion and immune systems.

Learn about the feel-good chemicals that our body and brain craves to create energy, how to maintain your energy, how to quickly re-energise yourself when required and the importance of language on our energy levels. Understand the benefits of laughter and how to create simple, fun strategies within the workplace to boost organisational culture.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.




Supercharging STRENGTHS

A particular way of behaving, thinking or feeling that is deeply energising and authentic. Learn how to capitalise on strengths to feel more engaged, energised, productive and happier individually, as a team, and across the organisation.

This work is informed by extensive research into strengths psychology by Alex Linley, Chris Peterson and Robert Biswas-Diener and relates to increasing confidence, being able to reduce stress, build resilience and create strong engagements.

Objectives include identifying and gaining an understanding of your strengths and what this means for you. Participants learn how to spot strengths in others to create engaged teams and cooperative relationships.

This segment of our training can be delivered as an individual workshop.

What is the investment?

Originally created as an immersive two day in-person workshop, the framework and programs have now expanded to meet various needs, delivery modes and learning outcomes.

With our flexible approach, we'll collaborate to design a wellbeing program delivery plan that works best for you and your organisation. Get in touch to discuss how we could deliver this program to your organisation.

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Full flagship
Full flagship Seven Segments program
Delivered as a two day workshop (consecutively or non-consecutively)
Can also be delivered as four half day sessions at an additional price
Price: $15,990 +GST
For up to 25 participants
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Choose a segment/s to meet your needs
Delivered over 2 hour workshops either in person or online
Price: from $4,490 +GST
For up to 25 participants
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Choose a segment/s to meet your needs
Delivered over a 1 hour webinar masterclass
Price: from $3,990 +GST
For up to 70 participants
Ready to get started?

Features and learning outcomes summary

All workshops include an engaging workbook and follow-up resources for further learning via our Citrus Squeeze email series. You can also talk to us about adding on our micro learning Vitality Videos to embed learning and change, to ensure the conversation continues and transformative learning experience transitions to practise.

Participants gain:

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Skills and tools to improve wellbeing in all areas of life
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Greater engagement in work and organisational culture
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Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence to build wellbeing
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Improved collaboration and teamwork
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Ability to handle difficult situations and change with confidence
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Tools to face each day with a positive, productive mindset and strengths-focus

Organisations gain:

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Productivity and performance gains
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Improved employee wellbeing and resilience
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Increased creativity and innovation
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Positive influence on mental health
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Strengths-based culture and leadership
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Measurement via wellbeing assessments
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Ongoing tools to embed learning and creating lasting change

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