Vitality videos

Vitality videos

Bite-sized wellbeing boosts!

The Vitality Videos micro-learning series features short, engaging, high quality educational videos, packed with insightful science and practical tips that support leaders and employees to have conversations about wellbeing at work. Distributed through your internal channels or via ours, the content is easy for employees to access in a few moments from any location.

We offer three packages of Vitality Videos to suit your needs:

glass of orange juice icon
of Oranges
Choose one segment of Oranges to deep dive into the topic
Includes 4 videos
Unlimited views/shares
Deliver weekly/fortnightly/ monthly
Access for 12 months
half slice of orange icon
of Oranges
Choose one video from every Oranges segment
Includes 7 videos
Unlimited views/shares
Deliver weekly/fortnightly/ monthly
Access for 12 months
whole orange logo
of Oranges
Deliver all seven segments of  Oranges
Includes 28 videos
Unlimited views/shares
Recommended to deliver fortnightly
Access for 18 months

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