11 Ways to Stay Happy and Healthy This Winter

by Becky Upham

It’s dark all the time. The weather (in some places) is bitter. And ‘tis the season of the flu and colds. Here’s how mental health pros plan on coping.

Wondering how you’re going to keep your spirits up when the sun sets in the middle of the afternoon and the temperatures are bitter?

Mental health experts say paying more attention to all the little ways we practice self-care (everything you do to stay physically and mentally well) is key.

Think about it. Are you feeling more stressed than usual? Maybe listening to music or a morning jog usually keeps your anxieties at bay. You might find they’re not really cutting it these days. You might need to get creative when it comes to what’s going to work for you to keep your energy and mood up, explains Travis Westbrook, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University in Columbus. “Sometimes we really have to ‘lay our foot on the gas pedal’ when it comes to taking care of ourselves.”

If you’re looking for a little inspiration for how to ramp up your self-care routine, here are 10 tips from Dr. Westbrook and other experts.

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